Sari Solden & Associates
Author, Speaker, Therapist, and Consultant
Welcome to
Sari Solden & Associates
Sari Solden & Associates is a private practice in Ann Arbor, MI, that specializes in providing psychotherapy and consultation and assessment to men and women with ADHD and their loved ones.
Psychotherapist Sari Solden, MS, is a pioneer in the field of counseling women and men with the strengths and struggles of ADHD. She is the author of three popular books and is a well-known, international keynote speaker on the subject.
We have found that most people like to think that ADHD is something that can be “fixed.” In fact, that is often the reason for initially seeking help. Many people with ADHD often feel as if they NEED to be fixed, they feel broken. The truth is, there is no quick fix. We do not offer one. We have no interest in fixing people; only helping them find a path to contentment, personal satisfaction, and healing.
Sari Solden & Associates was built on a foundation of expertise in ADHD, but is also influenced by minority mental health and multi-cultural considerations, mindfulness-based practices, psychoeducational guidance, narrative therapy, and women’s psychology.
To read about our other providers click here.
Current Services at Sari Solden & Associates
Sari offers One-Time and periodic consultations.
For Adults with ADHD when available please fill out form.
For Mental Health Professionals individually (or in groups when available)
Jennifer Ratliff-Moss is not accepting new clients.
To be notified of events, groups or webinars with Sari Solden or for Interview or Appearances please fill out form.
Upcoming and Current

6 Books for Adults Living with ADHD
Psychiatrists, counselors and researchers shared their recommendations
By Hope Reese
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD by Russell A Barkley with Christine M Benton
Your Brian's Not Broken by Tamara Rosier
A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD by Sari Solden and Michelle Frank-we made it on the LIST!!!
The Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD by Melissa Orlov and Nancie Kohlenberger
ADHD 2.0 by Dr Edward M Hallowell and Dr John J Ratey
Outside the Box by Thomas E Brown
If you are a subscriber to The New York Times you can click here!

Read A Brief Description of Journeys
Living with ADHD affects the development of one's view of self, especially for those not diagnosed until adulthood, who have spent many years of feeling "different" without knowing why.
Living successfully with ADHD is an ongoing internal process with no quick fixes. Journeys Through ADDulthood is a step-by-step guide through three internal stages, or journeys: toward understanding your brain and your primary symptoms; toward discovering your true identity and embracing your uniqueness; and toward learning to share your true self to connect with others.